Saturday, March 1, 2014

The Moon

Posted on April 14, 2012

The Moon
After all the sand trains
have left this little town
When the speculators go
and the dust has settled down
What’s left for us to live with
except those gaping holes?
A company town without a company
knocked off-kilter for short-term corporate goals
The paychecks came from New York
or someplace far away
And when sand prices bottomed out
jobs dried up, almost the same day
Now we’re left with our questions
and a landscape that looks like the moon
Frac sand economics
boom, boom, BOOM!

Locations of 11 Frac Sand Mines (in SE Minn) Proposed by Minnesota Sands, with Proposed Size in Acres

The map on Land Stewardship Project's website, which shows "Locations of 11 Frac Sand Mines (in SE Minn) Proposed by Minnesota Sands, with Proposed Size in Acres"